Fascinating read!
In a sort of reductionist exercise, Trump might be viewed as a kind of solipsist. Well-functioning people talk to one another to steer their social relationships, grounded in a belief in the general equality of people. Trump "talks" to people to effect his will.
The solipsism is he's not communicating to them as recognized fellow humans. Instead they are part of the world around him. They are just another button to push, a lever to yank, a door to kick in. He learned as a toddler how to choose words to effect his will -- an advance over simply crying until he got his way.
It's sociopathic, but that term doesn't fully illuminate his dehumanizing use of talk as implement vs communication. Since he is not trying to communicate for communication's sake, the dichotomy of truth vs lie is irrelevant, inapplicable.
The only "meaning" to his talk is the manipulation he intends with his talk -- a twisted kind of "language game."