Linking philosophy to shamans and monks feels exactly like the right way to frame these potentially important discussions ("potentially" as culture might be extinguished).
Two thoughts.
"Monks" might be needed if infrastructure-based electricity disappears, and access to and understanding of, printed philosophical works dissipates.
If philosophy is stripped of its canon, the role or ground of philosophy could arguably become the analysis and critique of language games. Someone in each tribe might be valued for exposing the "epistemological traps" of the natural attitude. (Perhaps this depends on whether you consider Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations" to be philosophy or not.)
Or philosophy might function as a critique of new religions and/or superstitions that form in the future world. You could think of it as job security :)
Philosophy can for sure be an art form, as you point out. But if current culture is any guide, real philosophy will be a very small, remuneratively insignificant niche.