Thank you very much for your many valued thoughts! Much appreciated!
Yes, we humans can only measure with the tools we have, our measurements can all be reduced to truth units, and, on inspection, pragmatism is the “cleanest” use of our tools.
Agreed, mentioning Kuhn and Popper would be valuable. I’m kinda familiar with their thought from Richard Rorty’s 1979 Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, as well as philosopher of science Michael Strevens’ 2020 book on the evolution of science, The Knowledge Machine.
As you say, “contemporary relativists might still not agree with any form of consensus.” But society and civilization require people acting in concert, which requires consensus. Relativism reduces to solipsism, which is antithetical to society and civilization, even if “true.”
I’ll watch the Silvia Jones YouTube video as you suggest. Again, thank you very much.