Thank you very much for your response! I appreciate you sharing your experience and your encouragement! Writing this piece seemed like necessary full disclosure, a literal confession, to establish bona fides as a “unique nobody” as you nicely put it, before my getting on what might look like a high horse, so I’m glad you received it as you did.
You asked about length and whether it will be one piece or a series of pieces. I’m not sure yet. As one single piece, my guess is a 10-minute read. Maybe some content could be offloaded into sidebars, as some people might already be onboard with some content and not need to wade through it. I did an unpublished draft for the Apeiron Blog that was a 2-minute read which felt too abridged and had other problems I want to fix. The main point of publishing is to run the Medium gauntlet of criticism and misunderstanding. That collaborative aspect of Medium is key to defining the end product.