Truth Units: Links to All Articles

Alex Bennett
2 min readAug 23, 2023

A concept of truth to cut Gordian knots

Clay Banks on Unsplash

Here are links to all “truth units” articles, updated as published.

Truth is challenging us on all sides in our “post-truth” world. Truth units facilitate working through to truth and acting on it — individually, interpersonally and socially — through a framework that makes sense philosophically and practically.

Here is the keystone Truth Units article— a summary of the truth units concept and its applicability in everyday life in 10 minutes:

Truth units in more philosophical depth:

Truth units from a more “information processing” perspective:

Truth units from an “academic philosophy” perspective:

How you can actually make practical use of truth units in everyday life:

The metaphysical side — the truth units answer to “what is reality?”:

The practical side — how our judgments, of right and wrong, true and false, can stand up to differing perspectives:

A sidebar on how truth units are “represented” in 3D space, vs the 2D space of conventional truth:

A response to an academic critique:

All the reading I’ve done over the past 20 years in philosophy, psychology and science to get to truth units:

A “mission statement” I wrote in December 2021 while still trying to articulate truth units:

Questioning and focusing myself:



Alex Bennett

My goal on Medium has been to publish “Truth Units.” It took 1.5 years. I hope you read it. New articles will respond in-depth to your questions and critiques.