You are perhaps the writer on Medium I read most, and you respond often to my comments, which I really appreciate. My main interest on Medium is philosophy, followed by (“frontiers of”) science, then maybe politics and culture.
I went through your topic list and looked at some of the titles under each topic. My favorite topic is definitely philosophy. You write on subjects of interest to me and write very clearly and concisely. The next tier, in rough order of interest, is History, followed by Education and Prejudices.
However, a significant thing I noticed is that regardless of topic, I’m drawn to articles of yours that offer insight, more or less regardless of the topic. Specifically, if I see an article of yours whose title “promises” (marketing-speak) insight, I’ll read it, or save it to read later. “Insight” roughly means “tell me something I don’t already know” that helps explain the crazy world humanity created.
A possible fly in the ointment is my Medium-designated interests are philosophy, neuroscience and AI. This could possibly mean Medium feeds me (close to) only your philosophy articles. However, I saw and read your article (series?) on the “reduction” of politics to distribution of power, an insight I definitely valued.